Walk through history with us…

Welcome to the Barony of Windmasters’ Hill, a central North Carolina chapter of the worldwide Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA Inc). The SCA is an inclusive community pursuing research and re-creation of pre-1600s skills, arts, combat and culture through activities, demonstrations, and events. Come learn with us!

oyez, oyez!

The February Windmasters’ Hill Baronial Gathering, Practice, and Business Meeting
Will be held Sunday, March 16, 2024, 11:00 – 5:00 pm at the Garner Lion’s Club
Facebook Event Link

find your local chapter

The Barony of Windmasters’ Hill is located in central North Carolina and is made up of five local chapters and surrounding areas, called Cantons: Elvegast (Raleigh), Buckston-on-Eno (Durham), Kapellenberg (Chapel Hill), Nimenefeld (Fuquay-Varina), and Attilium (Fayetteville). All SCA chapter meetings are open to everyone, no matter where you live!

Events and Meetings By Month
Event and meeting locations

there is something for everyone!

figting & fencing

Marshal training in medieval combat styles including heavy tournament fighting (above), melees and battles, fencing, archery, thrown weapons, even youth practice are all available. Training and safety rules apply!

Arts & costuming

Whether you love costuming or theater, making armor or woodcrafts, glasswork or pottery, dancing or making music, cooking or brewing, there is someone in Windmasters’ Hill who practices one of these arts…

cooking & feasting

At many Windmasters’ Hill events, both indoors and outdoors, cooks put on a medieval luncheon or feast for the event attendees! If you are interested in learning about what they ate in the Middle Ages, we are too…

Ready to share the dream?