The work done by the Baronial Herald is among the most visible of any office in the SCA. There are three major categories of work that the Baronial Herald is responsible for: Court Heraldry, Field Heraldry, and Armory (or Book Heraldry).
Court Heraldry encompasses the organizing of Baronial Courts, which includes: leading the procession, opening Court on behalf of the Baronage, making announcements during Court, closing Court, leaving Court with the procession, and making sure a Court report is written and sent to Kingdom.
Field Heraldry happens outside of Court, for instance crying out announcements and introducing the fighters entering the list field. Herald provides consultation on names and arms.
Book Heraldry includes assisting SCA members with researching and registering names and devices, knowing the meaning and badge of Baronial and Kingdom awards, and understanding the Order of Precedence.
Our Herald:
Contact Information: herald@windmastershill.org
To see Windmasters’ Hill Baronial Heraldry, GO HERE.
Badge of office: