Our Baronage
The Baron and Baroness hold the lands of the Barony for the Crown, and are the Royal Presence in the Barony when the Crown cannot be there. The Baron and Baroness are also responsible for granting Baronial Awards and expanding Baronial Orders.
Current Baronage:
Their Excellencies Elizabeth and Lukas
Contact information:
Her Excellency: Baroness Elizabeth of Rosewood (Cindy Epard) baroness@windmastershill.org
His Excellency: Baron Lukas von Reumer (Carl Christianson) baron@windmastershill.org
Head Retainer: Lady Isabella of Pangeburn (Isabella West) tamlwest@yahoo.com

Their Excellencies’ Progress:
*BR = Baron Attending, BSS = Baroness Attending, BB= Both Attending, D=Daytrip, W=Weekend, V= Virtual
Event | Date | D/W/V | Retainer |
Pennsic War – BB Baronial court 8/8/24 | 7/26 – 8/11 2024 | W | Y |
Sacred Stone Baronial Birthday – BB Non-progress attendance | 9/6 – 9/8 2024 | D | N |
Caravan Raids – BR | 9/13 – 9/15 2024 | D | Y |
Fall Coronation – BB | 10/05/2024 | W | Y |
War of the Wings – BB | 10/12 – 10/20 2024 | W | Y |
Fall Crown Tourney – BB | 11/2/24 | D | N |
Unevent | 12/07/2024 | V | N |
Buckston Birthday – BB | 2/23 – 2/24 | D | Y |
Kingdom Twelfth Night – BB | 1/11/2025 | D | Y |
Sir Walter Raleigh Ball – BSS | 2/8 2025 | D | Y |
Ymir 50 | 2/21 – 2/23 2025 | W | Y |
whims of their excellencies:
His Excellency
- Diet sodas are good, except pepsi, for it is vile.
- Water
- No Mushrooms – but if they are in the dish, He will share them with the Baroness
- No visible eggs – If they are part of a recipe, like a cake, then that’s fine.
- Meat is good.
her Excellency
- Coffee – regular and not decaf. – Splenda and creamer, milk etc. No Aspartame.
- (NutraSweet) for it is vile and will cause headaches.
- Water
- Meat is good.
- If we are both fighting, no real food is needed during the fighting activity, just water.
A message from lukas and elizabeth

Greetings one and all from the Barony of Windmasters Hill. Words cannot express the pride that we take in Our Barony and Her people. We hope that you enjoy our hospitality, and by extension, the hospitality of the great Kingdom of Atlantia.
We, Baron Lukas and Baroness Elizabeth, welcome you. We would invite you to explore all that we have to provide. We offer much in the way of Martial Arts such as honorable combat, fighter practices, and armor-making that keep the borders of Our lands secure. The Arts and Sciences such as brewing, dancing and singing, fiber arts, metalworking, calligraphy and illumination, and medieval cookery enhance our medieval culture as well. There is truly something for every interest.
We invite you to contact our chatelaine and explore our calendar for upcoming events. Should you have any questions, please contact us. We would be happy to welcome you to one of our local events or Arts and Science classes. On behalf of the Society for Creative Anachronism, the Kingdom of Atlantia, and the Barony of Windmasters Hill, please come and enjoy our hospitality.
To our Populace, guests from other lands, and to our newcomers, “How Can We Help”? This will be the theme of our time as Landed Baronage of Windmasters Hill. If you have any needs, questions, problems, concerns, or suggestions, please let us know. We are here in service to our people as well as to the Crown.
– Their Excellencies Elizabeth of Rosewood and Lukas Von Reumer