Canton of kapellenberg

our Heraldry

About Us

The Canton of Kapellenberg is located in Chapel Hill, NC and the surrounding area. Experience the magic of the Middle Ages in Kapellenberg, where learning is an adventure! Explore the age of legends and legends in a lively, welcoming atmosphere!

social media

Facebook: Canton of Kapellenberg Facebook



business Meetings

1st and 3rd Monday of the month at 7:00pm at Parkwood Community Center, 1417 Seaton Rd, Durham NC 27713.
Group usually meets for 30-60 minutes, then go to a local restaurant for dinner.

Combat practices

Rapier Combat Practice every Thursday at 6:00 and Sundays at 1:00, at Piney Wood Park, 400 E Woodcroft Pkwy, Durham NC 27713.
For new folks, please wear workout gear with no exposed skin (long sleeves, long pants, socks, etc), and a gender appropriate groin protector. 

Social Gatherings

5th Mondays (when they occur) is Movie Night. Parkwood Community Center (as with the Business meeting). We’ll order dinner in and watch a medieval-ish movie. 

canton officers


Girard le Bourguignon –
kappellenberg AT windmastershill DOT org

Knight Marshal
Minister of Arts & Sciences
chancellor of the Exchequer

Aelfric Ecgeling –
kberg_ex AT windmastershill DOT org

minister of lists

Nikulai Ivanovich –
kberg_mol AT windmastershill DOT org


Other Interesting facts about Kapellenberg

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