The Chancellor of the Exchequer (or simply the Exchequer) is responsible for the finances of the Barony, including income from events and donations, ongoing expenses, as well as the purchase of new equipment and other records.
The Exchequer reports quarterly to their Kingdom counterpart, as well as reporting the group’s fiscal status during meetings, and must maintain the Financial Policy for Windmasters’ Hill. The Exchequer also works with the Quartermaster to keep an up to date inventory of Baronial goods.
Our Exchequer: Lady Dýrfinna Freyviðardóttir
Contact Information: exchequer AT windmastershill DOT org
Badge of office:

Deputies of the Exchequer
Emergency deputy
The Emergency Deputy provides backup and support to the Exchequer where appropriate, filling in at meetings and events if for some reason the Exchequer is unable to attend.
Dame Keelin O Duinn
The Quartermaster is a deputy to the Exchequer and is responsible for physical Baronial assets, including inventory, overseeing repairs, and arranging the check-in and out for use by members of the Populace.
Email: quartermaster AT windmastershill DOT org
Magister Gaelen Mac Cuinnegain
The Emergency Deputy provides backup and support to the Exchequer where appropriate, filling in at meetings and events if for some reason the Exchequer is unable to attend.
Email: quartermaster AT windmastershill DOT org