The marshals
Knight Marshal
The Baronial Knight Marshal bears primary responsibility for promoting both the safety and authenticity of the martial arts in the Barony, but works with other officers in their areas of mutual interests. Other Marshals serve as deputies to the Knight Marshal.
The Knight Marshal organizes combat practices of the various forms (Armored Combat, Rapier Combat, Target and Combat Archery, Seige Weapons, Thrown Weapons, Youth Combat) and reports the attendance and results of these practices to their Kingdom counterpart. They must also ensure that everyone involved in any fighting scenario, whether in competition or at fighter practice are obeying all of the rules as set forth in both Kingdom & SCA law
Our Knight Marshal: Kálfr inn kaldráði
Contact Information:
Badge of office:

For in-depth information about the Marshal organization in Atlantia:

baronial Warlord
The Warlord is responsible for building and mustering the Baronial army for fielding at wars and melee events, preparing the Baronial warriors for battle on behalf of the Baron and Baroness as They are called to by the Crown. The warlord works with the Baronage to bring military might to the field including combatants from all fighting styles including armored, rapier, archery, thrown weapons, and siege where appropriate. The Warlord trains the fighters in battle tactics, drills the combatants to ensure their preparedness, and works to integrate the various styles into a cohesive and battle-ready troop.
Our Warlord: master Alain De Rochelle, KSCA (Knight of the SCA)
Contact Information: