Upcoming Baronial Polling

Congratulations to our newly chosen Candidates!

By the Will of Their August Majesties of Atlantia, Their new representatives have been chosen for our Barony of Windmasters’ Hill.
Ælfric Ecgeling and Caitrina inghean Fhearghuis will be invested as Baron and Baroness at the 50th Annual Tournament of Ymir. Vivat!!!

What is a Baronial Polling?

As mentioned on the ‘Our Baronage‘ page, The Baron and Baroness are appointed by the Crown of Atlantia, hold the lands, and act as Royal Presence in the Barony. The job of Baronage can be quite intensive, so many years ago, rulers of Atlantia decided to limit the terms of Their Baronage.

Although the Crown chooses the Baronage of each Barony in the Kingdom, they take into consideration the will and advice of a Barony’s Populace when making these appointments.

To determine the thoughts of a Barony’s populace, the Crown, with the aid of the Regional Deputy Kingdom Seneschal, will commence a polling per the guidelines set out in Alantia’s Great Book of Law, which can be found in Atlantia’s governing documents webpage HERE.

After long years of service to Windmasters’ Hill, it is time for our beloved Baronage to step down. Thus, a Polling will be held and the Crown will choose new Baronage.

special edition Windlore – Baronial candidates’ letters of Intent

November 2024 Windlore – POLLING EDITION

Read the Baronial Candidates’ Q&A Responses

Target Timeline of polling and investiture

  • October 9 – Letters of intent can now be accepted
  • November 2 – Letters of intent must be received by the NC Regional Deputy Seneschal, Lord Alesander Davidson, by 11: 59 PM. Candidate memberships will be verfied, and candidates’ information will be forwarded to Their Majesties.
  • December 7 – Polling opens
  • December 28 – Polling ends
  • Candidates are notified of the Crown’s decision approximately 6 weeks prior to Tourney of Ymir
  • February 21 – 23 2025 – Investiture at 50th Tourney of Ymir

     * Please note: All dates are based on the new Kingdom Baronial polling timeline.
    Dates may shift where needed.

How do I participate in the polling?

In order to participate in Windmasters’ Hill’s Baronial polling, you must:
1. Be a paid member of the Society and your membership must be current during the polling
2. Reside in one of the zip codes belonging to the Barony, and
3. Have an Atlantia Enterprise Log-In (AEL) account (login HERE).

Any person who has a paid account may have an AEL account, regardless of age. Please check your AEL account and make certain you can log into it. The polling process has changed from previous pollings; there will be no option for paper polling or a one-time use code. Once the polling opens, you may log in to AEL and complete the online polling.

This class is intended for everyone, but especially for those who haven’t yet participated in a baronial polling! Former and current landed baronage and Seneschals including Baron Girard le Bourguignon, Baroness Elizabeth of Rosewood, Patronne Muirenne L’aloiere, and Dame Adriana la Bretonne hold an online panel discussion to share information and answer questions about the upcoming Windmasters’ Hill Baronial polling such as: the process, applicable laws and policies, and the input our populace can provide & how.

Former Baronage of Windmasters’ Hill

Typhane and Damon
Adriana and Callixtus
Baroness Adriana Baron and Callixtus
Guinevre and Girard


For questions about this polling, please contact:
Atlantian Regional Deputy Kingdom Seneschal – Lord Alesander Davidson

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